We wearing Jordan Heels not hurt his feet, more than 4 months are still unable to walk properly, and bar-acupuncture, Jordan Heels herbal medicine, and other immersion spray treatment to no avail. Yesterday, the injured Miss Duan, seeking an expert to provide remedy to help her. Orthopedic experts advise: ladies should learn to guard against similar incidents.
We had hurt his foot crosswalk
“We hurt his foot, actually brought me so much trouble.” Yesterday, underground pedestrian mall in Nanping, Chongqing Evening News segment found the 29-year-old woman. Miss Duan said she is Fashionable, usually love dressing up, wearing Jordan Heels with.
Miss Duan recall, last year at 16:00 on December 2 to work more on the way to the mall, her government at the door from the Nanping area crosswalk middle of the road just went to see the green light to flash, and am anxious she quickened her pace, which Construction of road known as rugged, accidentally hurt his right foot Wei.
Since then, Miss Duan eat in Western medicine, acupuncture bar, also soaked with traditional Chinese medicine, spent 3,000 yuan of money, but the foot still not healed. Because severe pain, Miss Duan had to stay home for two months now, although some improvement, but a little stand for a long time or walk a few steps ankle hurts. Chongqing Evening News.
Feet was particularly painful, swollen ankle, a small package. Places to work after her teeth, rub on swollen ankle for a while. Miss Duan said that the day she was wearing a pair of thin heels, shoes with high sixty-seven cm.

City well-known orthopedic specialist, re-attached to the Second Hospital Medical Director, Professor Deng Zhongliang orthopedic Ms. under paragraph preliminary diagnosis may be the injury to the ligaments or cartilage tissue, such as magnetic resonance imaging to be done to further examination, a reasonable symptomatic treatment.
“Wearing Jordan Heels too high, or wear too long, will bring about certain effects on health.” Professor Deng Zhongliang said a lot of hi ladies wearing Jordan Heels, Jordan Heels should be scientifically:
First, if the non-working hours can not wear Jordan Heels, preferably not exceeding 4 cm with shoes, Jordan Heels, the bottom of the arch design, a balanced force so that the foot;
Secondly, the ladies wearing cheap Jordan Heels back to work application of heat blisters foot home to ease the spasm of soft tissue, blood relieve foot pressure; Third, do not wear pointy Jordan Heels. Pointed high-heeled shoes because the front triangular, narrow and flat, and contrary to normal human foot shape of the foot healthy.
How to do feet hurt Wei
Professor Tang reminder: stop walking, cheap Jordan Heels sports or work, whichever is sitting or lying position, with bedding or clothing to elevate the foot to reduce swelling and pain; immediately with ice packs or cold towel on the local, so that capillary contraction, to prevent blood infiltration;
cold compress or cold at the same time, the use of bandages and other fabrics pressure bandage around the ankle joint, fixed ankle joint; such as a fracture has occurred or is suspected, the application of two long wooden or cardboard inside and outside, respectively, on both sides of the injured area , with a bandage or sling two pieces of wood and other objects to a fixed ligation.
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